Our Philosophy

Call to Arms

While inbound opensource usage has finally gained substantial acceptance, organizations are beginning to realize the potential of both outbound opensource efforts and the fostering of symbiotic communities. Inbound usage of opensource is well-covered by other organizations, but a notable lack of support for outbound opensource and community development existed before OpenXource.

Outbound Opensource

Just as inbound opensource is not always a panacea, outbound opensource initiatives have historically had their own share of problems. Some companies release proprietary code when they should not, or don't release it when they should. And those that do release it many times have problems with the execution, preventing the maximum return on their investment and effort.

The company assists with the do/don't strategic decision, and if an initiative is determined to be in the best interest, the company aids in the execution of it. Releasing outbound opensource is an activity that cuts across many parts of an organization which all must be coordinated in order to effect the desired result. While the engineering department is obviously a participant, input and activities from the marketing and sales department, along with coordination with the executive suite is required in order to maximize the benefits.

Symbiotic Communities

With inbound opensource usage, what you see is what you get: reduced costs, access to sources, and an internet full of support options. Outbound opensource, while it can provide for vast rewards, does entail a fair amount of risk and is ostensibly an irrevocable activity. Software that has been freed is difficult to un-free. A symbiotic community represents a beneficial hybrid with fewer risks and potentially a much greater reward.

Much of the commercial software produced is explicitly designed to be extended by the end user. By fostering an open community of users and supporting their development of extensions, the value of the commercial product is increased. OpenXource assists organizations in cultivating returns from their users and the assets they produce. The best way to form this bond is through the creation and support of a community for their own end users. Care must be taken to prevent the creation of a community in name only, but that acts only as a marketing conduit. A true community provides value not just to the organization that supports it, but to its constituent members.

EuroOSCon: Amsterdam, October 17-20
Opensource Conference in Europe
Community Co-creation
Developing in the open can provide benefits beyond the value of the intellectual property.
Market-Makers, Supplier Communities, and Micro-Economies
Maybe the middle-man isn't so bad.
Creative Commons for Code
The Creative Commons Open Licenses are very popular for content creators. I predict we will see a lot of opensource code licensed in this manner, and it makes sense!
The What, Why and How of Opensourcing Your Code
The conference slides are now available.